Claire F. Bianchi, O.D.

ophthalmic consultants Albany NY Claire Bianchi

Dr. Claire Bianchi is a board-certified, licensed therapeutic optometrist with more than 20 years of experience. Dr. Bianchi focuses on primary eye care including comprehensive eye exams, all types of contact lens fittings and annual refractions. Dr. Bianchi has a special interest in working with patients who require prism. In the past, Dr. Bianchi has worked in pediatric eye care and provided eye care services to patients with multiple disabilities. Before joining Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region, Dr. Bianchi was in private practice.


Dr. Bianchi received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the State University of New York in Albany in 1986. She went on to study optometry at the State University of New York.


Dr. Bianchi is a member of the American Optometric Association.

Practicing At Our Locations In

  • Albany
  • Clifton Park
  • Schenectady
  • Schodack
  • Troy

Working With

  • Eye Examinations
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