I’m scared to have cataract surgery.

By: Allen W. Zieker, M.D.
Board-Certified Ophthalmologist
& Director of Cataract Surgery at
Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region

Q. I’ve been told by my eye doctor it’s time for cataract surgery. However, I’m scared I’ll lose my vision. Is cataract surgery safe?

A. Cataract surgery is a very common and safe procedure. Of course, as with any procedure, each patient’s overall health is a consideration.
There are many benefits of cataract surgery. Studies have shown cataract surgery can not only improve vision but also, decrease falls and car
accidents as a result. Many have also experienced improved overall happiness with the ability to do activities they were unable to do because of their poor vision. In fact, a recently published study (in JAMA Ophthalmology, Jan. 2018) found women who had cataract surgery lived longer.

I understand the thought of cataract surgery can be scary. I encourage you to do some personal research. It’s important to be well-informed and understand what’s involved in cataract surgery. There are various lens options now available and it’s important for you to find a cataract surgeon who’s experienced with all lenses…a surgeon who takes the time to make you feel comfortable by happily discussing your specific benefits and risks. For the vast majority of patients, the risks are very small.

Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region has published a FREE Cataract Surgery Guide to help people like yourself gain an understanding of the procedure and how to make the right choices for your personal best vision. Call today to schedule your cataract consultation.

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