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Ultherapy® procedures now available for patients seeking facial rejuvenation.

Albany, March 2022:  Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region today announced an expansion of their Aesthetic Facial Procedure offerings.  In addition to performing upper and lower lid blepharoplasty procedures (for drooping lids and sagging) and the use of Botox® for fine lines and wrinkles, Dr. George O. Stasior is now using Ultherapy to perform “uplifts.”   […]Read More >

How Coranavirus (COVID-19) can affect your eyes

In a recent study on COVID-19 published in JAMA Ophthalmology found that 31.6% of 38 consecutive patients with COVID-19 seen at the Yichang Central People’s Hospital in Hubei Province, China, had eye-related symptoms. Here are some tips to avoid COVID-19 infecting your eyes: Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Do not touch your face […]Read More >

Message to Our Patients About COVID-19/Coronavirus

We are here for you! Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region is committed to keeping our patients and staff safe during the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to provide quality care.  Our practice remains open for Urgent and Emergency in-person visits, and in addition, we are pleased to announce that we’re now offering telehealth appointments, which […]Read More >

Lyme Disease and the Eyes: Plus New Research for Better Diagnosis

The hiking, boating, and camping season is here! With the Adirondack Mountains to the north, the Catskill Mountains to the south, and the Green Mountain National Forest to the east, the Capital Region is surrounded by fantastic wilderness to explore. But this also means we are, unfortunately, surrounded by ticks and the presence of Lyme […]Read More >

New Year, New Vision

It’s 2018 and along with all the New Year’s resolutions, you’re making make sure you’re thinking about your eyes! We recommend our patients call us in January to schedule their annual eye exam. By planning ahead, you get the time and day you want and you can scratch it off your “to do” list. It’s […]Read More >

We now have a FREE cataract surgery guide.

The idea of having surgery on your eyes can be a bit scary. There are so many choices and we know you want to make all the right decisions for your vision. We’re here to help. Check out our new Cataract Surgery Guide. It will assist you in understanding your IOL choices, how to pick […]Read More >

FSA for Eye Care

Don’t Wait Until December 31 to Spend Your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Funds on Eye Care (USE IT OR LOSE IT) Now is the time to take advantage of using your FSA for your eye care needs. Schedule an eye exam today to ensure you stay on top of your eye health. Q: So what […]Read More >

Ask An Ophthalmologist…

By: NALINI A. MADIWALE, M.D. Board-Certified Ophthalmologist Glaucoma Specialist Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region Q. Both my mom and aunt have glaucoma; is it hereditary? A. Yes, glaucoma can run in families but this is not the only risk factor. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve which can […]Read More >

David Rabady, M.D. Partner at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Regon

We are excited to announce Dr. David Rabady has become an equal partner effective January 1, 2017, in Albany-Troy Cataract & Laser Associates, PLLC. Dr. Rabady joins Doctors Dr. Allen Zieker and Dr. Robert Sax  as a Member of the Board for Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. Congratulations Dr. Rabady!

Why do I need a dilated eye exam?

All About Eyes: Ask an Optometrist By Judith Archibold, O.D. You might think that because your vision is fine your eyes are, therefore, also healthy. But visiting your eye doctor for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to be absolutely certain. During your dilated eye exam both of your eyes will be […]Read More >

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