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Do You Have Trouble Seeing at Night?

If so, you’re not alone. Night blindness (also known as nyctalopia) is a condition in which someone has difficulty seeing in dim light or darkness (no, you’re not actually blind). Night blindness is not a disease, but rather an indication of an underlying condition. Symptoms of night blindness include: • Difficulty adapting to the dark […]Read More >

What should I know about cataract surgery?

Cataracts are the clouding of the eye’s natural lenses and along with gray hair and wrinkles—cataracts are part of the inevitable aging process. According to American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), close to 25.7 million Americans over age 40 have cataracts and the number is projected to increase to 45.6 million by 2050.  In fact, cataract surgery, is […]Read More >

Summer Time Eye Care

June 21st marked the official start of summer and we’d like to remind you about the importance of eye health and safety during the summer months. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you spend the summer enjoying the sun, vacationing, and spending time with family and friends: Protect your eyes June is National […]Read More >

Smoking Harms Your Eyes & Your Vision

Of course, we are all aware of the damage that smoking can do to the body from heart disease to cancer. But did you know that smoking can impact your vision too? Researchers have found smoking increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and dry eye syndrome. Smokers are up […]Read More >

Driving, Your Vision and Aging

It’s a fact; eyesight worsens with age. When you’re over 60 and beyond your eyes need more light and more time to adjust when light changes. It can be hard to see especially at dawn, dusk, and night. Often older eyes are more sensitive to glare from headlights, street lights, or the sun, making it […]Read More >

This Ain’t Your Grandparents Cataract Surgery

By Dr. Allen Zieker Evolution is a reality in the field of cataract surgery. Fifty years ago, cataract surgery was risky with the chance of infection, detached retina, and systemic complications because of the enforced weeks-long bed rest after surgery. The safety of cataract surgery today has turned a once-risky procedure, reserved for the significantly […]Read More >

Advanced, Patient-Centered Eye Care Right in Your Hometown

With over 200 years of combined clinical experience, the doctors at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region deliver trusted, full-service eye care to the Albany area. They have five convenient locations in Albany, Clifton Park, Schenectady, Schodack and Troy. Providing what you need for your vision including optical, general and surgical eye care. “We feel so very lucky […]Read More >

Modern Cataract Surgery

Cataracts affect over 20 million people over age 40.  Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures done on aging Americans.  Patients have never had so many great options when considering cataract surgery given the significant technology advancements today. Surveys have shown that sight is the sense most people fear losing.  Cataracts are an […]Read More >

Modern Glaucoma Treatment

It is estimated that over 2.2 million Americans have glaucoma, but because glaucoma often has no early symptoms, only half of those know they have it. Unfortunately, it is also the leading cause of blindness. The good news is that glaucoma treatment has greatly evolved in the past 30 years giving patients many new treatment […]Read More >

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