Recent Retina care News

Eye Healthcare: How Severe are Retinal Tears and Detachment?

By Dr. David Rabady Our eyes are among our vital organs and help us to enjoy the world around us. The retina is a crucial part of the eye that facilitates vision. However, retinal tears and detachment have adverse impacts. We will discuss the implications of these eye conditions in this article.  What is a […]Read More >

Overcoming Retinal Diseases: Can the Retina Heal Itself?

 Dr. David Rabady There are several retinal diseases that all lead to a varying degree of vision loss. Approximately 12 million Americans aged 40 and older suffer from vision impairment. But is retinal repair a possibility? Before we dive into that, let’s first deal with the different types of retinal damage.   Types of Retinal […]Read More >

A letter from Dr. Robert D. Sax to his patients

A letter from Dr. Robert D. Sax to his patients After having had the privilege of providing eye care to my patients for almost 40 years, I have decided to retire.  As you can imagine, it is a big decision and a big change, but it will allow me to spend more time with my […]Read More >

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