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Take Care of Your Vision in the New Year

By Judith Archibold, O.D. A new year often means new goals. This year, make a goal that’s easy to keep—take care of your eyes. Here are some simple steps you can take in 2017 to take care of your vision, take care of your eyes, AND take care of you. Get a comprehensive eye exam. […]Read More >

Cataract Surgery Recovery Time

We understand that cataract surgery can be a bit on the scary side. Nobody loves the idea of eye surgery. However, it’s important to keep in mind that cataract surgery is the most common elective surgery performed in the United States. In 2015 an estimated, 3.6 million cataract procedures were performed in the United States […]Read More >

All About Eyes: Ask an Ophthalmologist

By Allen W. Zieker, M.D. Q. I need to have cataract surgery. I’m farsighted and currently wear glasses. Is it possible to have my vision corrected during cataract surgery so that I no longer have to wear glasses? A. The recent FDA approval of the TECNIS® Symfony Intraocular Lens (IOL) is great news for people […]Read More >


Wearing nonprescription special effect contact lenses that make your eyes look spooky this Halloween may actually damage your eyes…and that is really spooky. Unfortunately, many people don’t truly understand the risk of over-the-counter special effect contact lenses, and they illegally purchase these lenses on the Internet. Yes, you read that right… it’s illegal to sell colored contact lenses […]Read More >

Got Glaucoma? See a Specialist.

In this world where patients can easily look up health information online and everyone is a jack of all trades, there are still many health situations where seeing a specialist not only makes sense, but could make a huge difference in your outcome. Glaucoma falls into the must see specialist category. Glaucoma is a group […]Read More >

New data finds a correlation between CPAP mask usage and the possibility of mouth bacteria invading the eye after patient has the Trabeculectomy procedure.

Important Information for Glaucoma Patients who had the Trabeculectomy or Tube Shunt Procedure for Glaucoma Treatment Last week, new data has emerged indicating that a CPAP mask, used for sleep apnea, could promote a devastating eye infection following Trabeculectomy. It appears that very aggressive mouth bacteria can infect the eye via the airflow from the […]Read More >


The recent FDA approval of the TECNIS® Symfony Intraocular Lens (IOL) is great news for people with cataracts and have trouble reading or focusing on close objects (presbyopia/far-sighted). The Symfony lens is the first extended range of vision IOL to correct presbyopia and improve vision in people with cataracts, as well as improving far, intermediate, […]Read More >

5 Tips to Help You Protect Against Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million Americans – more than cataracts and glaucoma combined. Seniors are at heightened risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness among older Americans. The disease damages central vision, limiting a person’s ability to read, write and recognize faces. […]Read More >

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Make 2016 A Healthier Year!

As you plan for a healthier 2016, why not get a comprehensive dilated eye exam? It’s the only way to find out for sure whether you have glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness in America. An eye disease that can rob you of your vision, glaucoma often comes with no early warning. No […]Read More >

Do You Have Trouble Seeing at Night?

If so, you’re not alone. Night blindness (also known as nyctalopia) is a condition in which someone has difficulty seeing in dim light or darkness (no, you’re not actually blind). Night blindness is not a disease, but rather an indication of an underlying condition. Symptoms of night blindness include: • Difficulty adapting to the dark […]Read More >

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